Tuesday, May 29, 2007

some stuff i have been thinking about

-something with hands in the community i thought it would be cool with differnt people's hand prints thoughout the book
-enjoy the ride....like enjoy this crazy journey through usn...this could have theme park feel or street signs and a more driving through the city feel...like our new hallway street signs
-push play:'08...something with sound and records, each grade has its own sound and differnt kinds of music that influenced them...and you can go through time like from records to tapes to cds to now ipods, or differnt types of music...also with the records/cds and '08 there could be a circles and rounded edges as an element
-something like strands being unravelled...like the bigger picture being stripped into each individual strand...its holds it together...like a cloth being being unravelled and each strand is seperate and important in making the whole picture, like each student making the entire class/school of usn
-three words where the u,s and n are in squares and they stand out some cool words: unique, about, ultimate, underneath, sound, now, altitude, stripped, sample, unscrew, new


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